Music Licensed For Business Use In South Africa


Music plays an important role in the customer experience, immediately setting the tone when customers walk into your premises. However, there are legalities that businesses need to navigate when it comes to licensing and legally using major-label music in their spaces.

Music Licensing for Business Use

Music licensing is a legal requirement for businesses that play music in public spaces. It supports artists and the music industry and keeps businesses compliant with copyright laws.

The Three Types of Music Rights in South Africa

In South Africa, businesses need to secure three different types of rights to play music legally in public spaces:

Public Performance Rights

Public performance royalties are generated when copyrighted music is performed, played, or streamed in public. This includes background music in stores, music played at events, and music streamed over digital platforms. The South African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO) manages these royalties in South Africa, ensuring that songwriters and composers are compensated when their music is used publicly.

Recording Rights

Recording rights cover the use of a specific song recording and compensate the recording artist and label. The South African Music Performance Rights Association (SAMPRA) handles these rights. Any public performance of a specific recording requires a license from SAMPRA to compensate the recording artists and producers.

Publishing/Mechanical Rights

Mechanical royalties are earned from the reproduction and distribution of copyrighted music, whether in physical formats like CDs and vinyl or digital formats like downloads and streaming. In South Africa, the Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association (CAPASSO) manages these royalties for digital reproductions/streaming, while physical reproductions require separate licensing.

Licensing Organisations in South Africa

SAMPRA (South African Music Performance Rights Association)

Focuses on recording rights and requires businesses to get a license for playing recorded music in public.

SAMRO (South African Music Rights Organisation)

Handles public performance and publishing rights, necessary for the legal use of compositions.

CAPASSO (Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association)

Specialises in licensing digital and mechanical rights, which is essential for businesses using digital music sources such as downloads and streaming.

The Process of Obtaining Music Licenses for Your Business

Determine the Type of Music You Want to Play

Decide if you will use recorded music, original compositions, or both. This will guide which licenses you need.

Contact the Relevant Licensing Organisations

Contact SAMPRA, SAMRO, and CAPASSO to learn about the fees, terms, and application processes for the required licenses.

Apply for Licenses and Ensure Compliance

Submit your application forms, pay the necessary fees, and adhere to the terms set by each organisation. Remember, licenses may need to be renewed periodically.

Common Misconceptions About Music Licensing

Many businesses believe they can use personal streaming accounts or publicly available music without licenses. However, this is not the case. Public use of music requires separate licensing, even if you use streaming services.

Music and Audio In The Customer Experience

In experiential marketing, using tailor-made audio solutions that encourage customers to stay at your premises or identify your brand by a single tone builds a distinctive identity for your establishment.

Music and audio help customers connect your brand with a specific sound, aligning your brand’s identity to resonate with your target audience. Additionally, you can create interactive experiences through touch-activated sounds and advertise your promotions, events, and news to customers in-store between playlists.

The possibilities are endless.

Licensing Got You In Over Your Head?

Consider Royalty-Free Music for Businesses with DMX

While we do offer major-label music options in our playlists, we also offer a compliant alternative for businesses.

Our right-included (royalty-free) music selection allows businesses to build custom playlists without worrying about obtaining additional licenses. This simplifies the process and ensures that businesses remain compliant while providing a high-quality audio experience for their customers.

If your business wants to use music from DMX’s major label music database, you’ll still need to secure the appropriate licenses with SAMPRA, SAMRO, and CAPASSO. DMX supports businesses in understanding these requirements but does not handle the licensing directly.

Create Your Sound With DMX

Music is an integral part of the brand experience.

By understanding and obtaining the necessary music licenses in South Africa, businesses can avoid penalties whilst supporting the music industry and its artists. For those looking for a hassle-free music solution, DMX’s royalty-free music selection offers the perfect alternative.

Whichever way you decide to go – we are here to help establish your brand’s sound.

The possibilities are endless with DMX, see for yourself and book a demo with us.